How To transfer .MY .COM.MY .ORG.MY .NAME.MY .NET.MY to ReadySpace

Please take note that these steps is to be follow only after you order and paid for the domain transfer under your ReadySpace Cloud Account



1. login to your mynic

2. Once login go to Domain Name tab and click on "Modify Domain" (Not Transfer Domain)

3. Search the domain name to be transfer

4. Click on the domain and click “Modify”

5. Tick on “Appoint a New Invoicing Party”

6. Select “Qinetics Solutions Sdn Bhd”

7. Then click “Modify”

8. The page will prompt message

     ” name(s) record has been successfully modified and/or submitted to .my DOMAIN  REGISTRY. A notification has been e-mailed to”

9. Take a screenshot of this page and send it to us by submitting a ticket under your Account

10. Just in case you have missed the step 9 just submit ticket inform us that you have followed these steps.


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