News: ReadySpace Cloud Platform Release Notes : 20220131
New Features
[SuperScaler] Added: The date format is being adjusted based on your default language in the cloud console
[SuperScaler] Added: Email address used for registration will no longer be allowed to register another account
[SuperScaler] Added: It's now possible to specify attachment action: accept or reject based on extension
[SuperScaler] Added: Option "Do not add a signature to the reply" to the department's settings
[WebSpace] Adjustment: There will not be limits on IOPS for WebSpace Pro Plans
[WebSpace] Added: Important WordPress related notifications will be sent to web administrators
Bugs Fixed
[Domains] Fixed: When domain price override is set for TLD it wrongly adds tax in an inclusive model
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Cancellation setting is stored wrongly when saving product
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Can't add or edit SLA policies for ticket department.
[SuperScaler] Fixed: notifications are not displayed correctly in the client area
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Simple Boxes order page description does not show when order page is a sub-category