News: ReadySpace Cloud Platform Release Notes : 20201203

Published: 03/12/2020

New Features
[SuperScaler] Added: RTL languages support
[SuperScaler] Added: Domain name renewal notifications are now sent in bulk
[SuperScaler] Added: LTR/RTL selector in the language editor
[Cloud Drive] Update: New Hotfix for Cloud Drive Windows Client 2.3.3
[Cloud Server] New: Cloud Server Cluster expended in SG.

Bugs Fixed
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Order page shows net rather than gross "total due today"
[SuperScaler] Fixed: SSL products are pro-rated when pro-rata is enabled globally on customer
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Upgrade of the field for domains does not calculate the price correctly when the field has the pro-rata option disabled
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Unable to add new ssh keys
[SuperScaler] Fixed: In-form upgrade category name wrongly appears after the product name
[SuperScaler] Fixed: If more than one module is used by the account, User API always loads the second one to handle route
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Email Verification does not display final order screen when one is set to be used, instead it redirects to client console page
[Domains] Fixed: Redirect for DNS Management does not work correctly when the domain name contains non-Latin characters
[Imunify360] Fixed: license details are not displayed in the client area
[Cloud Server] Fixed: Hostname requirement cannot be unchecked with Cloud products when auto hostname option is enabled

[Software] Price adjustment for Plesk, cPanel and Sophos