News: ReadySpace Cloud Platform Release Notes : 20211015
New Features
[SuperScaler] Added: Domain Search page Label that the domain is "taken" if it is impossible to register the domain.
[SuperScaler] Changed: Changed no-announcement badge color
[WebSpace] Added: WordPress Toolkit available to all WebSpace users
Bugs Fixed
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Changing packages with forms loses form data if some forms share variable name
[SuperScaler] Fixed: When order involves a contract, it fails to provision with provisioning configured to post-order
[SuperScaler] Fixed: "Wrong client id" error on accepting a contract for order with no invoices
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Accepting contract does not redirect to invoice
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Contract accept string cannot be translated
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Ticket Rate is not set correctly for contacts if the client has this value overwritten
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Services with unpaid invoices are still being provisioned if cron is selected for auto-creation.